What examinations are suitable, when…
Majority of clients have some kind of genetic issue and ignoring that could lead to unsuccessful infertility treatment.
That is why we perform genetic examination right at the beginning and we find out what our patients really need. Thanks to advanced methods of preconception and preimplantation diagnosis we can prevent abortions, unsuccessful IVF cycles and other complications.

This test, performed from the peripheral blood sample, was developed directly at Repromeda clinic, tailored especially for patients who come with fertility issues, as well as for those trying to conceive naturally. Despite that both partners may appear as healthy, they could be carriers of a genetic mutation. This can be manifested later in offspring as a genetic disease.
PGT-A: Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies
Repeated pregnancy loses are a sign of a health issue and it is always necessary to look for its cause. Thanks to preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies it is possible to decrease the risk of spontaneous abortions and complications during pregnancy, as well as the birth of a baby affected by a genetic disease. On the other hand, it can increase the success of infertility treatment by choosing the most perspective embryo for transfer.
PGT-M: Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases
Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases
This method reveals genetic disorders of embryos in cases where there has previously been a known hereditary disease in a family, as well as in couples who are healthy carriers of a genetic mutation. PGT-M is a reliable method that helps to prevent the birth of a child with a serious genetic defect.

The aim of this examination, performed from the peripheral blood sample, is to decrease the birth of a child affected by a severe hereditary disease. The examination involves both partners to undergo the PANDA Carrier test, which screens several hundreds of clinically relevant genes. If the test identifies the same gene mutation in both partners and there is a risk of disease in the offspring, it is possible to offer Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disease (PGT-M).
PANDA Exom is the examination of the widest extent that could possibly be offered to a couple for testing hidden (recessive) mutations and at the same time, it reduces the risk of monogenic disease in the offspring the most. It is also performed from a peripheral blood sample. In case the test identifies a mutation in the same gene in both partners and there is a risk of disease in the offspring, Preimplantation genetic testing of a monogenic disease (PGT-M) could be offered as an option.
PGT-A: Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies
If you are older than 35 years of age, the examination of your embryos is definitely recommended. It is the chromosome aberrations that cause a sharp decline in fertility in women of higher reproductive age. Another reasons to undergo a PGT-A include repeated spontaneous abortions, repeated failures in embryo transfers in previous IVF cycles, the birth of a child with developmental defect, poor spermiogram parameters of a partner and conditions after oncological treatment.